Five Nights at Jax Justun's 7: The Dinosaurs Stomped Again
8 months ago

Hello my beloved fans of FNAF (Five Nights at Freddy's) and the Jurassic Park & World Movies and/or TV Shows!!!!!

Here's something that I'd made and everything back then for this FNAF-like Dinosaur-ed Parody Future game known as "Five Nights at Jax Justun's 7: The Dinosaurs Stomped Again"!!!!! And yeah sure, I'd did created this massive and long story here for this #7thFNatJJs game here, but come on people!!!

It has been like THREE years by now (or maybe like FOUR years as of today here in 2024) since I'd first released this FNAF/Dinosaur-like Future Jurassic Parody-ed game here, and already it's already the Month of February of 2024!!!! So yeah, I'm pretty sure that this story right here might need a bit of changes here and there......

........Ummmm?????.........Anyways, first off, I'll explain more on why I wanted to created some kind of FNAF-like parody game that has Dinosaurs in it after the reading-ness of this story and everything, and second of all, of course, enjoy reading this long story here of this 7th Five Nights at Jax Justun's game that I'd made here........ #YoureALLgoingtoNeedit!!!!!


The Original and #1st Version of the Story & Message for Five Nights at Jax Justun's 7: The Dinosaurs Stomped Again Only:

Message Originally Created on: December 24th, 2021

Story Originally Created on: April 30th, 2023


Five Nights at Jax Justun's 7: The Dinosaurs Stomped Again


Message Typed: 12/24/2021

Are you ready? Is this REALLY what you're waiting for!?!?!!! Well, stick around people!!! Because this is going to be a FREAKING ROAST!!!!!! Sorry. Got carried away from that one.


---Tim M. Giraffe


WARNING: This following story will contain things that aren't meant for children ages 2 through 13. If any means please ask an adult before reading. This story will be also something that's just made up and just all fantasyland and what not. The game that was made for this story will/would contain, strong language, violence, deep dark thoughts, and things about bringing things back to life like DINOSAURS. If any means by this, DO NOT try this at home and viewer adscription is advised. Thanks for your time and wait to this.


First Typed: 04/30/2023

Backstory: 65MYA - 12/23/1997

65 Million years ago to this day, as you all known it before, our planet was ruled by crazy giant lizards called "DINOSAURS". However it wasn't like how all knew it when looking it up huh? About around in the Triassic period, dinosaurs were all evolving in a weird kind of way. Through surviving their own selves, eating different things and creating or building a huge civilization. Like a city of some kind!!

Millions of years later, roughly like 11,500 years ago, a 500 year old man named "Faveleey Curly Curtleson" had discovered a secret world that was filled with dinosaurs and other non-living dinosaurs as well. The 500 year old man was shocked from seeing it. It was then that we knew that Faveleey Curly Curtleson was the very 1st ever person that had discovered like millions of years later. The 500 year old man had also discovered an old temple that was filled with something that was called "DNA DINO SAMPLES" written in all caps with inside of bottles of liquid that were filled with DNA samples of real living dinosaurs.

However, the 500 year old man had been told to one of the dinosaurs named "Tim Giraffe" that these samples are completely DANGEROUS!! So Faveleey Curly Curtleson then decided to hid all of those samples and locked it away in a massive wooden-like safe and keep it there so nobody else will EVER find it in about like 400 plus years!!! But then 300 years later, Faveleey Curly Curtleson also known as the 500 year old man has died from his slumber. And the DNA DINO SAMPLES were then lost in space forever.

Faveleey Curly Curtleson also known as the 500 year old man by the way was one of Nave Jonnson's oldest ancestors that had ever lived. Isn't that crazy!! Anyways, many years later, roughly like on November 12th, 1987, the good old DNA DINO SAMPLES were then rediscovered by Mr. Innda Indoraptor. Also known as "Danny Innda Lanaptor". He was the most famous dinosaur discoverer of all time!!

But then around on December 23rd. 1997, all destruction had broken loose to the world. 175 year old Danny Innda Lanaptor had kind of made like some horrible adjustments to the DNA samples and all of that went horribly wrong!! Danny Innda told everyone that the dinosaurs will kept inside of a secret island or universe that people would never see the dinosaurs stomped again!! EVER!! However, on April 22nd, 1998, 180 year old Danny Innda Lanaptor was then went missing since his family members had died during a car accident with one of those dinosaur creations that he had made during his college years as a science teacher at "Fendal Tech. University"!!!

After Danny Innda Lanaptor's disappearance on April 22nd, 1998, on December 23rd, 1997, it was the day that all knew that the "Dinosaurs were no longer stomped once again"!! Or so we thought!!


It was then December 27th, 2021, and one our lovely MAIN antagonists Lord Snakehead was trying his best to find a way to bring back secret army back to life!! Ever since his company had shut down back on December 19th, 2021, Lord Snakehead was also having trouble to find ways to bring back his company to its higher steaks. It wasn't until he was greeted by an old friend of Alastor's named "Blitzo"!!

Through July 30th, 2021 all the way towards December 27th, 2021, Blitzo and his other workers Loona, Millie, and Mrs. Mayberry were trapped underground ever since the incident that had happened with him and his girlfriend Coco Bandicoot back at the district park.

However, Blitzo wasn't the only one, all of Lord Snakehead's other workers from the other schools had also met Blitzo as well. It looks like Blitzo was trapped underground where the dinosaurs were being kept on their secret island. Okay then, after all the fights with Lord Snakehead and all of his other workers, Lord Snakehead had then decided to team up with his new and improved girlfriend Fake Coco and Blitzo and all of his other workers and what not to try to rule the world once more and for all more!! Lord Snakehead would also can have the chances to rise his steaks for his defunct S.A.W. company and could now finally bring back all of his secret army back to life once and for all!!!


While that was happening, Jax Justun was trying his best to bring back his night guard job once and for all. Ever since he had lost his other job or should I say his OTHER night jobs for like the past 4 or 5 1/2 years, Justun's having a REALLY hard time to figure what he'll do next for his next FNAF adventures as a night guard.

While Jax Justun was wandering along around where Lord Snakehead's high school was located, he'd stumped across a flyer that said this and it REALLY caught his interest into it. It said something like "Work as a Positive Night Dude when working at our new and approved "Jurrassic World Studios Museum" fulled with everything that you'd ever imagined! Quote on QUOTE"!! This made Jax Justun feel like he was back to his original job that he has done like way too many times!!

Luckily there was a phone number that was LITERALLY pasted on the flyer itself. The phone number was (808) 5655-1997-0501!! He called this phone number and spoken to this guy named Tim M. Giraffe. He told Tim that he wanted to get a job because he just wanted one to have more money in his pockets. So then, Tim M. Giraffe said okay then and gave Jax Justun his good old job back. Jax Justun would later on then call his other friends to work with him after his first seven nights were done!! So around on December 31st, 2021, Jax Justun had finally returned to his darkness of a night job.

So next year on January 10th, 2022, Jax Justun had finally work as a night guard in a special laboratory place. It was the abandoned warehouse lab which was then turned into an office where you need to help Jax Justun and his other friends to survive the horrors that lives all over in the museum. The Old Abandoned Warehouse Laboratory was founded in 1977 on a cold and stormy night by two unknown brothers!! First opened on December 31st, 1977, this old warehouse was where people were use to do experiments on dead living creatures. Mostly being DINOSAURS!!! The Old Abandoned Warehouse Laboratory was also been owned by Jax Justun Studios as well followed by a woman who'd dreamed to be an archaeologist someday. Her name was "Shelly Mustie" an 18 year old who loved everything and everyone with dinosaurs. But back in May 13th, 1978, a year after the grand-opening, the Old Abandoned Warehouse Laboratory was said to haunted!!!

Tim M. Giraffe told Jax Justun in each night that the Old Abandoned Warehouse Laboratory of its stories and twists and turns. Anyways, on May 18th, 1978, a year when graduation had started for some high schools, the two unknown brothers had went missing for a long time since their fights with their own two wifes. Since then the Old Abandoned Warehouse Laboratory was then sadly been ruled by awful workers that worked on terrible experiments on extinct creatures. The Old Abandoned Warehouse Laboratory would then closed its doors on April 12th, 2000 after years of chaos and despaired-ness from the workers.

It wasn't until a few years later on October 24th, 2002, 18 year old Shelly Mustie and his senior boyfriend "Jonnie Kandel" had both of their individual families bought the rights to the Old Abandoned Warehouse Laboratory. Which would then been called "Jurassic O.A.W. Labs Studio Entertainment". Everything was running so smoothly, until this awful moment had changed everything!! On July 23rd, 2012, one of Shelly Mustie's older sisters named "Kawlleeg Mustie" had sadly died by something which something to say that was hard to say it out loud.

But we all can say that 17 year old Kawlleeg Mustie has died two day before her 18th birthday, three days after her 56th family anniversary was over, and just days before her senior year at "Mile-Been-Too High School". This had shock the world the company with it. The Mustie family were struggling a bit to raise more funds of awaring people to not die and everything.

And to make things worst, times gotten more harder for the other family called the Kandel family. Around on July 22nd, 2018, one of Jonnie Kandel's youngest brothers "Hunns Kandel" died due to having struggles on mental health stuff!! So on July 24th, 2018, Jurassic O.A.W. Labs Studio Entertainment was shut down for business!! FOR GOOD!!! But it wasn't until January 5th, 2022, the old remains of Jurassic O.A.W. Labs Studio Entertainment were finally brought back to life towards good for nothing Lord Snakehead and which he then renamed it to "Jurrassic World Studios Inc."!!!

So now after all of that, it is now all up too you to help Jax Justun and his other workers to survive in these old remains of this the Old Abandoned Warehouse Laboratory which was originally called place that was made with sunshine and to have lots of peaceful paradises!! Looks like the DINOSAURS HAD STOMPED ONCE AGAIN!!! You must survived with Jax Justun and the others at 11:00 PM towards 9:00 AM!! How hard can that be huh? #other #horror #fnaf #adventure #fangame #action #WelcomeToJurrassicWorldStudios!!!

-----------END OF STORY------------------------------------


So yeah guys, that was the FULL STORY for this game here you guys!!! I'm really sorry if this story that I'd made for this #7thFNatJJ's game's kind of pretty long. Because a year ago, I guest that not only that time was less faster then today's one, but also that I was still off for college and everything!!!! Not only that, but last year was also the moment when we first celebrated the #209thYearAnniversaryEvent for Jax Justun Studios as well!!!!

Since then, this story hasn't really age all that great...... I mean, it is like TWO years old as of today's standards, but still, it needs to revamped and remastered!!!!! And, by the way though, about what I'd said earlier at the VERY start of this post here.........

The reason why that I'd wanted to put like DINOSAURS inside of this FNAF-like parody game's because I've been so obsessed/addictive by this kind of nonsense!!! I've been in love with Dinosaurs since my childhood days and everything!!!! Anyways, be safe and have a nice afternoon everybody!!! #JurassicParkAndWorldPlaces #MeetsDAworldofJaxJustunStudios!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #TheDinosaursSTOMPEDagain!!!!!!!



Next up

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.-.. . - ... / . .- -

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