Five Nights at Sonic's: Ring's Ultimate Chaos
27 days ago


Ive seen couple of people curious about a song heard in some old beta build videos, and since it already got leaked I decided to release the full version: . I'll be releasing more of the ost as teasers, maybe.

Five Nights at Sonic's - Ring's Ultimate Chaos OST 01: Waking Up To Science "All Max" Mix
This is the first song that we made for the game.Plays during a custom night with every character set to the max AI Level.Five Nights at Sonic's - Ring's Ult...



Next up

'17 Golden Sonic 2nd concept

have another enhanced sonic concept art....

Have a concept art Loading screen (1/?)

HELP WANTED We're looking for good animators for MM Ultimate, we're weak at animating, so if you're interested please DM "marineblue69" or "superkirbyjs" on Discord and send examples of what you can do

Our little boy

"DIE!" - '15 Golden Sonic, representative of wrath

Meet the new characters!

So uh, I would like to share with you a concept for the map (1st floor), still prone to change, You guys can say what you think and we'll see if anything needs to change for the better
