A Half Shift with a Castro (FNaF^2 Parody game)
9 months ago

Here, a PSA and a 2.5 update report, because it's taking a long while due to studies & other games

So, it has been as of recent that @samikaze has informed of stuff he found in AHSwaC, this that I had already deleted when @SantyBzn came in to help out with the 2.5 as Ray and I were too busy with TAF -1 GoE, TAF 0 Nevermore and TAF TCM.

My autistic ass had a rancid humor back then, and I made sure that in 2.5 none of that awful shit remains (Uncensored Jonny because the joke was that you hit him in the balls so hard that his Analog Censor bars vanished upon impact, never offended anybody with him so yippie).

People change over the expand of 3 years, specially when you were a cringy teen that was learning to socialize and understand the world around him, just because you did it back then doesn't mean you'll do it now.

SO, in other news, a lil' preview of AHSwaC 2.5 stuff, here's a list of what to expect:

  • Fixed Gamejolt API

  • Improved cutscenes

  • Improved Boss Fights (@DragonLion Hi Squidward c=)

  • Better Menu UI

  • Better OST (@kroshx is cooking fine dining )

  • Better graphics

  • Pulished Minigames


That'd be it, I'll upload OST to the game page whenever Krosh finishes a OST (rn he only finished one and it's awesome)



Next up

Update 3 is taking a long ass time due to me helping other games, buuuuuuuuuut that doesn't stop me' bois from fixing, nerfing and buffing stuff in a patch while the big one is in the oven ;)

shoutout to @santybzn for the new background, yeah i think minigame done

Updated my profile cuz Gears of Entropy! Go play it! (I don't recommend Rainbow Friends unless you like how piss easy it is, the contrary to GoE).

#FanArtFriday Not rigged, but here's a Susie Haltmann model I did for fun! Showed it only in some Discord servers I frequented but because of the gamejolt task I chose to finally release it into the world, so HERE SHE IS!

The ANwaC Series is now 3 years old, have a celebration pic for this special day (and this time I'm not late yippie), next week I'll be busy with Irl stuff so no celebration teaser this time but there may be some once we finish with one of the new things.

Shoutout to TAF 0 whom I escaped their basement from, enjoy the tafing in about one hour!

guys look i recoded this minigame for you so you dont have to ragequit on it

He found em' esmeraldas del caos

Holy shit 2021 is about to die.

How the fuck did I made it to my 20's???????? (Happy birthday to meeeeeeeeeeee)