that week at freddy's
17 days ago

here are all of the game names

(if you think of any better ones let me know in the comments) and might edit to be accurate to the in-game titles and yes most of the other games have started development sue me < (please don't it was a joke)

1: That Week at Freddy's

2: That Week at Freddy's 2 where origins lie

3: That Week at Freddy's 3 hauntings of the past

4: That Week at Freddy's 4 nightmares awaken

5: That week at Freddy's 5 tortured souls re-awaken

(bonus game)

6: That Week Back at FredBears



Next up

heres all of the renders for the office so far!!!

here's the revamped office (not finished) for TWaF 2

heres another WIP of new FredBear

Every shadow is a caution.

so basically i cooked


Are you ready to return to Fredbear's?

here's the unedited version of the TWaF 3 bad/neutral ending

so here's a concept if Chica ever entered the office (she doesn't btw) but the idea is cool

Hi, sorry for no progress. Have this while I finish another project maybe. 🤗 (I'm very incompetent, sorry)

what vibe do i got guys, gals and my non-binary pals?

(that last part stolen from a youtuber btw :3)