4 years ago

Here is my discord link https://discord.gg/szupRsW Um here are the rules below!!!!!! FOLOW THEM OR BAN

Discord invite link:https://discord.gg/szupRsW mrfergie ⚡🍬11/11/2018 To get the "Community Member" role, or any other rank, say !getroles in #bot-commands. This role is required to get access to all features of the server. You must be in the PRC group to obtain this role. mrfergie ⚡🍬12/15/2018 Police Roleplay Community Discord Rules: (Moderators have discretion in interpreting rule violations on a per-case basis) 1: Your SERVER NAME must contain your Roblox username. Your name shall not contain special characters nor anything else which the mods deem unfit. 2: You must be respectful to all users in this discord (voice and text). No bullying or offensive content. This includes racial slurs. 3: Keep swearing to a mild extent. Excessive or harsh profanity is not allowed. 4: No spamming. This means sending messages repeatedly with no legit reason, including @ mentions. This also applies to voice chat and rejoining VC repeatedly. 5: No NSFW (inappropriate) content. This includes text, images, links, and voice. 6: No advertising. This includes sending invites to discord servers. This also includes using this server to DM other people advertisements/invites. 7: No posting links with link shorteners, malicious content, private information, or anything similar. This will result in an automatic ban. 8: Do not have excessive background noise in voice chat. Use push-to-talk if you can't control background noise. Also, do not play disruptive sounds/songs in voice channels. 9: Keep voice and text chat appropriate to the correct channels. Example: Radio traffic only in Radio voice channels, bug reports only in bug-reports channel, etc. (RTO = Radio Traffic Only) If you wish to hold a briefing, it cannot be longer than five minutes. Excessive briefings are not allowed (applies to lounges and radios). 10: No spoiler baiting. This means putting nsfw/racist references in a spoiler. Do not break any other rules (or appear to) with spoilers. NOTE: If you post an image which breaks one the the rules, you are responsible for it - even it's a screenshot of what someone else said. If you post it (even repost) you are accountable for it. LostInfinity 👻08/19/2019 PRC Discord Moderation Points System Every person in the PRC Discord is allowed to get 16 points. Points can be obtained by: - Temporary Ban = 4 points - Kick, Mute, and Softban = 2 point - Warning = 1 point Once you reach 16 or more points on your account, you will be permanetly banned from the Discord. Depending on severity, you may be permitted to appeal it and be given another chance. LostInfinity 👻04/17/2020 Do not mention @Developer and above. Alternate accounts are not permitted. Leaking private information or doxing members is not permitted. Requesting of personal information from another person is a bannable offense, with no warnings. This does not include age or gender (cannot force them to give this information), however would include things like addresses, names, phone number, and so on. Addition to rule 9, briefings may only be held in Briefing Room. Lounges may not host briefings or in-game roleplay's anymore.



Next up

This is the PlayStation Altro in case you guys want to use it just make sure you have permission from PlayStation like I do. All right see y’all tomorrow. Have a great day night whatever time zone you may be in.

do you like it

Lets hit 500 followers and i will make a game

dx/d[pdrldskdddfxc vbbvvbgermksndrjdfnjmn. : that my cats typeing.

This Satuday we invite to watch another #speedpainting of our artist Daniel Faiad.

How great is this scene of #Pecaminosa?

#ScreenShotSaturday | #IndieDev | #DigitalArt

Been working lately on lots of 'behind-the-scenes' boring stuff that no one really cares about, so here’s a guy playing the sax for some reason.


Another house i made long time ago.

Runestones: from concept to in-game model🗿

I have added rewards for quests so that villagers can give you something in return for your hard work helping them. 🥳

I want to know - what's your favourite quest reward?