Five Nights At Gay's 3 fake

4 years ago

Here is teaser 2 of the un-official remaster of this game that @Headless_Mario is doing (i made this teaser) (also inspired by @TheRedSweaterGuy's teaser)



Next up

made two FNAB 1 characters with five nights at dat one cool guy art style! (original svgs by @chaseleonardgames)

heya guys! i'm working on a cool new update for this game! here is so far a screenshot!

New Onadocg game revealed!

Bros smooth with it

Here is Cooper Plushie Fan art for @Inferno2315400 !


Here are title text for 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 i made it with paint .net

YEEEE! FINALLY I HAVE VEGAS PRO! now it's time to make better game trailers!

Fiz just tweeted this today. Apparently this has something to do with that weird Twitter limit thing. (I didn't make this.)

It's time now i get a new program bois!