9 months ago

Here is the defeat screen for the BGP FNF mod!


I you are interested in helping me with the mod please click this link. https://forms.gle/AAyLb6jqAjmGGE527


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Next up

Here is the menu background for the wip Battle Gem Ponies FNF mod.

Here is the story menu screen for the BGP FNF mod!

I have the music for the mod and I can't create the vocal part of the song. FL Studio costs too much. R.I.P.

I you are interested in helping me create the vocal track for the mod please message me.

Ponatina: "Pathetic"

This was a neat little project I wanted to work on.

Check out Battle Gem Ponies here:


Check out my YouTube here:


New 17BUCKS GF!!!

Get ready, because the Friday Night Funkin' Battle Gem Ponies Mod will release on May 21st!

Here is a little sneak peak.

I am currently working on the bonus song for the FNF Battle Gem Ponies mod! This is one of the art pieces I'm working on. I am trying to get as much as I can get done with this mod. I'm very excited once it comes out!

I have finally finished up the artwork for the Battle Gem Ponies FNF bonus meme song "TrotCon23"! Here is a sneak peek. Charting is next. I'm hoping to get this mod out soon.

Hereโ€™s CHUDnell and Tanya

note that Iโ€™ve never drawn CHUDnell before so sorry if it looks bad

I am currently working on the Battle Gem Ponies FNF mod! Here is the title screen!

A link to the video is here: https://youtu.be/p-pgUjbARd8

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