Steven Stone in everyone's eyes: A handome dude.
Steven Stone in an otaku's eyes:
Boy Yumemi, Color-Negative Yumemi, Steely Yumemi, Kaworu Expy, Steely Angel (Steel Angel), Kaworu Clone, Boy Megumi Kiyono, Megumi Kiyono incarnating in human form but is trans, etc.
The crosses as shown in the modded artwork (original by artist Lobolobo2010) is a reference to his similarities with Yumemi, but it also references to a minor meme / fanfic that I've created, stating that Steven is also "spirited away" to Gensokyo like Grimsley in a similar fanfic, where he meets Mari and she taught him the power of the Cross, and the ways of harnessing it by practicing faith in Christ, and noticing her mother's old battle crosses, she gave some of them to Steven, and Steven redesigned them so as to match his style. Back in Hoenn, he began to make those crosses appear with him frequently, to signify that he is now a devout Christian.