I think he possed by ... no one here me out if he was passed why does he have so much control Henry says the other spirits don't and before you say we'll there kids glamrock freddy could be possed by a adult. There's one problem with that William Afton he doesn't seem to have much control over springtrap he kills the night guard wouldn't he seek help or something William was smart and respected he killed in secret but as springtrp he doesn't care. So your probably so why does glamrock freddy have emotions he just advanced AI like the other glamrocks and as for the friends who are scared and confused also the glamrocks he has roxy's eyes at that point he can see them so there what do you think?
Next up
Say hello to our all new collabartor on the budtrap community it the one and only @Gelatin1048
Draw me pictures of an anti-jules in a evil light and I'll give the winner a
#shoutout so let's see who will win this competition (use the picture above as reference)
Here you go internet
Gregory is the god of DESTRUCTION!!!
Hello and I have made a map bot yt channel for fun so if you want sub to it and spread the word https://youtube.com/@MapBot-jc2jy?si=oKMEiu2UoqFllLbr
Dawko’s best theory 🗣️🔥👏
Lewis from my fnaf fan series check it out my yt channel link:https://youtube.com/@jacobgowing-sayercyborgsilver?si=cO5TjFwsw2…
To my gf @emily55
I’ll addres this too @big-fox has been banned as they deserve I did talk to me and he was super toxic for no valid reason and if you supported him or dare helped him your probably next as you deserve to be
I know people simp for springtrap but can someone explain why it's so freaking many