13 days ago

Here's some queer MSM ships for Pride Month. Part 2?

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I hate this fuckagikup lady.

I post too much.

Hey so, since it's Pride Month, I uh think I might be Bi? I dunno, it's a weird complexion I have, even though I have a crush on a girl, and never before a guy. It's a little hard to explain for me.

New pfp

After beating Rumor Honeybottoms and Werner Werman (which was super hard), I'm now stuck at- you guessed it! Dr. Kahl. I use the nuke on him, but once I get into phase 3, he immediately kills me.

Catalyst is a techno witch and the first trans woman added to Apex! Respawn worked with voice actor Meli Grant (who is trans herself) as well as GLAAD to create the character. Catalyst is out, proud, and, as Grant told GamesRadar, "inescapably trans."

Hey everyone!! This is my new profile now. Yes, I was BunBunThePerformer. Just wanted to clear everything up about Duckbill's, any further production is canceled. I was inexperienced and I had no idea what I was doing. Anyways, have a good day.

Okay, time to try and beat Isle 3 again.

Isobel is a cleric & the protector of the Last Light Inn! Openly queer, she's part of why GLAAD said Baldur's Gate 3 "does more than just welcome queer people. It embraces us and weaves our stories throughout the vibrant and dynamic world it crafts."

#GJasks Ffidyll. It's Ffidyll. (Whenever he gets added to the Collosingum, that is).