9 months ago

Here’s the Boy!

I changed his gliding ability a bit from his old one, but regardless he’s(Mostly the same)

I hope you guys have tier lists in the making cuz every character is gonna be unique from each other ability and stat wise)

Oh ye if you’re wondering why he’s levitating, he’s supposed to have a cape but I haven’t implemented that in yet



Next up

! Breaking News !

Benjiro has learned how to do a spindash

Guess who made it before Beef Boss, and what I had for dinner back on the island lol

Someone wants to be petted

Happy Valentine's day

It’s him

Btw the name I decided on was Zeeki

Twins of Chaos

I added Carol to Tomodachi life cuz I needed a bit more people, but uhh, she's probably not gonna be seen for a long time


This pretty gal needs a home

Chai in different brushes, just was testing something