4 years ago

Here we are many with experience in digimon games. Would a project together be possible or is it a very crazy thought?

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Updates must be extracted in the folder of the previous version. In case it is a .rgss3a file (Just change the configuration) it will be pasted directly inside the folder in the same way.

We announce that Digimon Explorer has been launched. From now on, seasons will be released with digimon and new events, in addition to constantly adding chapters to the story so that they can get the most out of the game.


I've finally finished the development for my Digimon platformer! You can download and play it now. Thanks for everyone that supported this project and gave feedback, it's been a rewarding journey!

If you want to know more, read the article below:

We have decided to make a change in digimon graphics to Digimon Explorer, which gives it more dynamism but season 2 will focus more on this than on bringing out many new features. Here we give you a preview of what would be the new digimon graphics.

Hello people! I've just released a big update for a Digimon platformer fan-game: Digimon: Digital Heroes. If you're interested in playing, know that any feedback is appreciated!

Digimon Explorer

We are working on a new update, we are aware of the many errors that exist and we will be repairing them, those who wish to contribute detecting such errors please comment on this publication.

Good day! We publish a somewhat different video game but very fun and with a great story. His name is Piria, it is the demo but you can certainly feel that it has potential.


New update improving the look! Constantly updating!

#game #digimon #anime #3D #fangame #development

#art #fanart #rpg #action #actionRPG #model #indie #new

Digimon Explorer is now available to play! Hope you like!
