Heroic Journey
6 years ago


As the commander of the Nightingale it is the player’s job to find, recruit, and hire (through negotiation) heroes. Docking at a tavern is the easiest way to find heroes but many, more specialist ones, can only be found under certain conditions, or during certain quests.

Heroes can be come from any of the six major races. (humans, dwarfs, elves, undead, orcs, angels), or can sometimes be monsters, or elementals.

Each hero starts with skills and professions based upon his or her race, birthday, gender, and other factors. Here is a randomly generated orc.


Each of the above images is a ‘page’ relating to that specific hero. At some point, I plan to add another page detailing the hero’s accomplishments since they’ve been in the party.

#heroes #characters #skills



Next up

Foray into a Custom Battle System

Randomly Generated Maps

We made a lot of improvements on the Freezing Plains visual. Things like pine trees, tiny bushes, some rocks, and others game props!

#IndieGame | #IndieDev | #GameDev | #PixelArt | #WaifuQuest | #WifeQuest | #screenshotsaturday

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#steam #uniduni #clops #screenshotsaturday

Protege el conocimiento, salva la historia. Guardian of Lore es un platformer 2D en el que debes luchar para mantener viva la memoria de la mitología latinoamericana. El juego llegará a Steam el 18 de mayo: #ScreenshotSaturday

An infected room from the second part of Cybel ! Are you up for some cleansing?

Made my first ever animation.

OK, this starts to be too tricky puzzle already :D

#platformer #indiegame #puzzle

We're knee deep in multiple large features and "game feel". Quick peek behind the scenes in this weeks Dev Blog:

Some time ago, we posted a screenshot of the Mexico level. A curiosity about it is that, like some other scenarios of the game, it was inspired by a real landscape, The Basaltic Prisms of Santa María Regla. It is one of the natural wonders of the country!