Hey everyone! First off, I hope you all had a great new year. Got some nice things planned, and now that the festivities are finally over, I have finished my break and returned to working on this game! I've attached some new images down below to show the progress of the game.
New Office
As part of the new 2.0 Graphics Look, the office has changed!

The idea behind the new office look is the whole "Make something old look new" factor. The office itself keeps it's old, run-down look while adding in some mini LED Lights and Bars to make the place look a bit newer and modern than it actually is, a trend that is followed throughout the game.
New Mainteance Panel Layout

As a way to help streamline and have things where they can be get to easier, the mainteance panel has gotten a more "categorized" look. This should hopefully make it easier on the player to quickly move over to the option they need to get to. And you also get a small complementary Freddy to help fix any rogue systems for you!
As part of the new overhaul, Minigames have moved away from the classic style minigames, to more of mini adventure-type minigames. Revolving around the platformer genre, these minigames will hopefully make them more fun to explore. No images are given as I feel it is better to experience these yourself than seeing what they would look like through an image.
Night 6 will be completely different from the past 5 Nights, to make it feel more like a challenge than just a harder version of Night 5. No details will be given here but it will involve a reunion with a familiar foe...
That's all for now. I aim to hopefully have this game out soon, maybe around the March-April time. Thank you all for being patient with me and I hope to be back here soon with some more news!
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