5 years ago

Hey everyone! I've been slacking off lately,but there's a reason for it. I'm behind on my school work and it needs to be completed before May. Once it's complete,I'll resume work on the game. Plus,there's still a lot I have learn. Wish me luck! 😎



Next up

Hey everyone! I updated my Error... teaser yesterday and it'll be up and running. This will be the final remake,but the original and the first remake will live on.

Wait. What the Hell is this? What could it possibly mean?

Just wanted to show off a new concept sketch (and isometric art exercise) for the office. It's rough, but it works. I am definitely doing a digital version.

Not necessarily in a special place, but I have it. It has some issues, but I like what it offers so far. A good investment.


A new year for the project, and with it, my resolution. I didn't really do a lot last year, so I thought, "Why not change that?" That's exactly what I am going to do today.

P.S: Here's a new concept sketch.


After eight years of concepting, I'm happy to say my project is finally coming to life. It's a psychological take on the series influenced by my favorite horror stories, including Silent Hill, The Babadook, and The Witch.


Quick Update:

I know how much theorists and streamers like to do speedruns or pick apart the game for the hidden details. So I thought I could make it easier on them by adding save slots to our game.

Here's a recreation of the unused staring shot from the first game. Definitely thinking of redoing it later. But it works for now. This was made in Blender 4.0.

Edit: Whoops! I forgot to paste it. Sorry! 😂

I'll be honest, I have very little experience with coding. So I'm building the game on Scratch to try and change that. Crinfo aside, here's a sneak peek of the warning screen. Anything missing?