
3 years ago

Hey folks! New build is here!

What's new:

- added a flicker to pickups (weapons);

- added a quick change weapon key [Q];

- fixed shadows position;

- fixed pickups collision;

- added new enemies;

- fixed config error.



Next up

"Fallen Madman - Bad". If the game was against the main character.

I hope the quality has not deteriorated, otherwise, here are links:

Funny (oh god what have i done)

New build is here! Added game menu; added new creatures; added bows; added huts (jungle biome); added music; added something else (i don't remember) and fixed some stuff. Now me trying to optimize shadows and be alive. Stay frosty and report any bugs.

Creating a dubstep drop (for the first time). Sounds not bad, huh? Check the game with this bomb!

#music #meme #shooter #fun #platformer #screenshotsaturday

I'm still alive, just working on something real big.

Yup, i don't know what "video/sound quality" is.

Nope, it's not Skyrim 6.

Yes, all of this except for sprites was created by me.


oh boi is this "русский язык"?

Hey folks! New build is here!

What's new:

- added glory kills;

- fixed guns;

-added lightning;

-added effects;

-added teleports for enemies;

-added bonus ammo if you run out of ammo;

-added pause.

Testing new weapons and enemies. Remade hitboxes, platform generation and damage.

Actually, the gameplay. A lot of things have been added, so if you're interested, check it out!

#shooter #platformer #dubstep #fun

Cyberpunk-like boss fight music.

I experimented with synthesizers, and it turned out to be a pretty cool sound. And no matter how much I try, the music I create still sounds like an OST to the game :D

Hey folks! New build is here!

- fixed bugs with mobs fatality;

- remade some mobs AI;

- fixed bugs with dynamic lights.

Game doesn't have roguelike mode yet (should i add it?)

Show your interest so I can continue to develop the game. Thanks.