Five Nights at Fredbears:Bring Them Eternal Rest FREE ROAM

4 years ago

Hey guys I have new photos of the new night building. I am gonna go rework salavge night 2 and 3 so hang in there this make take some time to do so don't expect an update anytime soon.

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Next up

Megalodon Update Got its model with animations now, Been working on implementing into 3 of my projects so far. Fredbear's 3, Halo 3 and Saurains Evolved 3. Expect to see its challenge night be finished soon!

Here is some of stuff I have been working on for my halo mod. Considering uploading the mods files to gamejolt, cause nexus is kind of shit with their policies of owning every mod

Introuduceing Golden Freddy and Golden Bonnie to the main cast! I loved Golden Freddy and Golden Bonnie from my first game FNAFB 1 so I wanted to have them come back! Models by Coolioart btw.

Here is the teaser for the space map. This shit is gonna be amazing

I have had nothing better to do today so I have been working super hard on the next update for this game! be preprared for jumpscares! as they will be added in the next update along with a new night and new map details!

HAPPY BRITHDAY FNAFB. I forgot to make a post about this but FNAFB's birthday was on June 17, 2015. As for this game its being worked on just as a side project until FNAFB 3 is done! Enjoy the new teaser!

The official springbonnie model was datamined from help wanteds old build. So happy we finally after 9 years get an official springbonnie model

Working on a maze for the 2nd salavge night!

Are you ready to repair Nightbear?

Animatronic Megalodons make complete realistic sense and are an actual thing