Okay so as I’ve said I’ve been sick and today I had to take off of school since I still didn’t feel so good. I slept in till about 11am and it’s currently 1pm I am sitting on the floor of my bathroom writing this because I’ve been having bad nose bleeds lately, been throwing up and I’ve been coughing up blood. Because of this I might not be online a lot but I promise I’ll try my best to update you all. Sadly I’m most likely not going to be taken to the hospital due to family issues and financial problems but I’m sure I will be better soon! I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your week. I might post here and there I might not it really just depends on if I get any better.
I will try to respond to DMs and comments here but I might not be able to respond on discord. I will be checking my messages after this is posted so I probably already have as you’re reading this. Stay safe out there my stars!
Sincerely, 🤍⭐️ Angel ⭐️🤍