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Met the biggest celeb I’ve ever met the other day

3rd Randyversary drawing by Anuyuri on Tumblr

Three years ago today! It's his big day!!

Drawing for the Interdimensional Beatdrop mod

#Webkinz on a Steam Deck, why not

I made a Newgrounds-themed feed for Bluesky if anyone cares about both of those two things!


I was gonna wait 'till Randy's 3 year anniversary but I'm impatient. Here's a small clip of the opening of the game!

Artists featured: Anuyuri, felix-rodent, Bituin, NamedudeDev

Totally just reposting what I posted last year, but it be that month again!

Wonder which year will get more likes?


I have a whole bunch of footage of the event to comb through but Newgrounds Pico Day was awesome! Here’s @CaptainStevie at the Randy Learns History demo I set up!