7 hours ago

Hey! I rarely promote my other social media, but in this case, I invite you to follow me on itch.io!


It's my second alternative for uploading my games, and who knows, maybe I'll develop an original game and upload it there



Next up

Welcome to Sonic's Canceled - Read Article

A slow but steady progress, here is the design of Volty, Minillca's, and someone giant

I have no ideas for something to do, so... a Q&A!

I will answer all the questions I receive


They can be related to game development, opinions, etc.

Nothing too personal (duh uh)

Has WIP Wednesday ended already? Yes

Do i have something to show of asov? This

Is it enough? Idk man you tell me

I've always wanted to ask this to my followers

What avatar frames and backgrounds would you like to see related to my work?

I must admit that working and studying at university at the same time drains my energy for working on my projects

Volty is the tallest animatronic in the game, right?

It's all your fault, Akira...

Hey! I wanted to inform you that the MeowCream avatar frame is now available! If you'd like, you can get it with Joltbux!