Pokemon: Grimm Eclipse

3 years ago

Hey there!

Admittedly, it's been a while, and there hasn't been much progress. Have a little revamped Blake, and more details in the article.

It turns out making a Pokemon Engine is a lot more work than expected.

I am not however abandoning the project! It's been a deeply humbling and teaching experience, so... I've put it aside for now as I figure things out.

My life has gotten a bit hectic lately, and so has my work. I keep on learning new things and as I go, I realize that what I did for this project isn't great and probably should be overhauled. It's a bit depressing because it feels like I worked for nothing, but it's the truth of the matter.

Because of that, I've decided to pause the development of Pokemon Eclipse while I hone my skills on smaller, easier projects. I have every intention of returning someday but can't promise it'll be any time soon.

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who's been following and giving me feedback, and I hope I can bring you a great game someday



Next up

It took longer than I expected to finish this piece... but here it is! Blacougar, Duskitty's evolution and the Yin to Scaldamender's Yang

Look who's there! The entire Yang family, from Burnindwurm to Blazemini, going through Scaldamender.

One last drawing and the Yin/Yang duo will be done!

'been working on some new Fakemons! as often, the style is very different from the official games, but I'm pretty happy with Duskitty and Blacougar

Working on the UI / Animation of the BattleEngine, it's going pretty well! Here shown the start of a fight, including a special form from Bulbasaur to Squirtle!

Do not mind the floating status and gender, the battlebars are unfortunately buggy x)

Been working on the Battle Engine, and I'm proud to say that we can now choose an attack and a target for every ally Pokemon on the Battlefield. Now I'm off to properly link the resolution of the turn (damages and the like)

Working on some FX for my latest game :3

What? Burnindwurm is evolving! Congratulations! Your Burnindwurm evolved into Scaldamander!

A wild Burnindwurm appears!

Slowly getting back to drawing, this little guy will be Yang's signature pokemon, representing the Yang and thus, paired with the pokemon representing Yin

Hello everyone! I've been a bit busy lately because of a big school project (expect it to show up among my games soon!) but I've still made a bit of progress on the map system.

Here shown, with placeholders but still a hint of the visual choices I made

I drew my boy Zaap'raaz! He's been carrying most of my team through Pokemon Sword, ngl