2 years ago

Hey. To show that I’m actively working on the game, here’s some updates and things I plan on adding.

Well. I’ll keep this brief because I had to FUCKING retype this after losing a lot of progress.


I made the extras menu, followed by it’s music — which’ll be added into the game’s soundtrack.


I plan on adding a lot of things.

  • Post Night

  • VHS tapes — watching them will DEFINITELY impact your ending.

  • Endings

  • Rest of the entities’s ai.

  • Mole’s, Gardener’s, and Nameless’s behaviors. These three do not have any behaviors and I need ideas. You’re free to give suggestions.

  • Custom Night

  • Entities for Custom Night.

One of the VHS tapes HAS been leaked. If you want to watch it, click here.

And that’s it. If you want to help out with the project, join here. I still have to find out how to fucking send files on discord because I do NOT want to share an unfinished Site-1673 on scratch and let people remix it. You must have at least 1 year and 5 months of experience on scratch to help. Thanks.

1 comment


Next up

More lore.

She lookin kinda sus

Anyways I plan on using her in a minigame, which can be found in extras.

Lore because I said so again

I don't agree 100% with rebelling against the Scratch Team, but I think it's unfair that they are so exaggerated with their regulations

she red my dead till i redemption

Help I’m still stuck in ohio (yes this takes place in Cleveland, Ohio)

Part 2 of the voice acting.

I decided to add a cutscene after the letter cutscene, where a coworker calls the protagonist and tells them what to do.

the lines will be here:

made this office

Dialogue for Night 1’s VHS tape (you get vhs tapes for each night)