PROJECT: MOLTEN GOLD: A Non-profit Five Nights at Wario's fangame

2 years ago

Hey uhh it's been a while how is this still getting followers lol



Next up

I should be making progress on the game now but i am just making these posters for fun (Oh, and Koopa redesign, cool ig)

New thumbnail... and new friends?

Toastbunny is actually working on the game??? IMPOSSIBLE

Here's a big one, name reveal + player reveal! Ness has to play a game of hide n' seek with Wario and his army of ghosts in Project: Molten Gold.

I made it to Valley Fortress in Super Mario World, there seems to be something off about it but i don't know what it is

May 8, 2022.

The Lugig4 incident.

Hey look the game is officially 95% done how cool is that (i've been working on this game day and night recently please help me)

Thank you Red bass for this cool Mindtaker Wario render btw.

Concepts for a FNAW Cabin Fever RoleSwap