Codename: Project starlight
6 months ago

Hey yall, hope your days going well. This is the first song I made with my new keyboard, and the first official battle theme called Fight'in the heat (spelled that way on purpose) Let me know if I need to change it, and enjoy!



Next up

Finally, this animation is complete. And with that, I now know everything I need to know so that I can Finally work on the project that I've been hypeing up. Thank you all so much for your support and patience, and stay tuned for my biggest project yet!

This is my first attempt at truly drawing someone from the side. His name is Jackslickkov, and he is a protagonist.

Hey yall, how are ya? So, I cleared out the page for Project Starlight, so please keep in mind that it will be a little while before more songs and artwork is shown. For now, please enjoy this motif, that is actually official, and will be used often.

Find it, light it. Anything else is for you to find out.

Hi everyone, how are you? I have recently compleated step 1 of my major project. With that being said, I now release to you the offical drawings of Jack and Jiceleyann! I also redid the menue screen template. Enjoy!

This is a video of me drawing the female protagonist called jiceleyann along to the game's battle theme, which dosent exist, enjoy!

Billot: A nonmilitary or civilian place that is used as temperary lodging for soldiers.

Onions: not only a good food, but also a very helpful animator tool which helps you see your previous frames! Here is a mini demo of our newly added onion layer system (ols for short) enjoy!

The pink/blue paradise, am I the only one who knows such a sight? Just curious.

Hey ya'll, how is your day? Sorry for all the cliffhangers i just have a lot of ideas and I want to kind of start with a more professional slate So to make up for it, here is the only official image, a template for the menue. Also, something extra, enjoy!