mj games in Mjbliveoff

Welcome, hope you have a nice day!

Hey yall I have a announcement. After some careful consideration I have decided to change Jack's middle and last name so his new full name is jacksunlee (spelt Sun on purpose) Anyway, that's all for now, have a nice day and stay tuned for my next project!

Hi everyone, how are you? I have recently compleated step 1 of my major project. With that being said, I now release to you the offical drawings of Jack and Jiceleyann! I also redid the menue screen template. Enjoy!

Hey ya'll, how is your day? Sorry for all the cliffhangers i just have a lot of ideas and I want to kind of start with a more professional slate So to make up for it, here is the only official image, a template for the menue. Also, something extra, enjoy!


Hey yall, how are ya? So, I cleared out the page for Project Starlight, so please keep in mind that it will be a little while before more songs and artwork is shown. For now, please enjoy this motif, that is actually official, and will be used often.


Effective Easter, while nothing will be deleted, and current start location will remain unchanged, all current and past music and artwork for project starlight will be removed, so more official work can begin and be of higher quality.