1 month ago

Heya, I wanted to show my OCs and if you ever want to make a fanart of one of the OCs, Go for it!

I will make a post and I will put all of your amazing Fanarts you did and credit your work!

Also post your art in #KuoFanart

[Read article for OCs info]


Type: Fennec

Color: Beige

Gender: Male (Trans)


Type: Arctic Fox

Color: White

Gender: Male


Type: Half Human/Cat

Color: Pink

Gender: Female


Type: Arctic Fox

Color: Whitish Beige

Gender: Male


Type: Rabbit

Color: Brown

Gender: Male


Type: Arctic Fox

Color: White

Gender: Agender


Type: Arctic Fox

Color: White

Gender: Female



Next up

WIP Al Dance, poyo..

smol doodle poyo!

I am planning to do a different outro music because the last outro music I did was copyrighted by Nintendo and I ain't trying to get sued (I realized it was made by Nintendo.. game by Rhyme Heaven ~ Ringside)

The Witching Well

(Happy Halloween!)

Hiya poyo!

i'll draw something else eventually, guys...

Vela the goober trying to be silly just like Bravo

Creeper will always be my #MostFearedMob ever..

2nd image is a repost.

They're bfs. :3

Both my pony ocs, icons made by me.

I have made Bravo for a very long time, He's a brother of Vela!

(help with the arctic fox.. give me a animal type to draw...)