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Smile! Here, take some happy pills! ✨💊 #Blender #3DModelling #3DArt Buy me a Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/barbarafb_

Shadow The Hedgehog X pixel art

Strange Umbrella

Coming Soon...

Here's a Fredbear sprite i made in Aseprite! I'm pretty proud of this!

(Btw, sorry for the double post! I'll try to post less)

Colorful Fox

Happy Late Easter!

Development of my game Juno. This is the rune equipment system.

Usually update over on twitter: https://twitter.com/synrec_kaisyl

Super Sonic Pixel art.

Distrust - HUMERUS (with dirty shade) Papyrus isn`t small. It's possible that I didn't draw him well, but he crouched down and bent towards us. I'm still bad at moments like this

Magic staffs created especially for each sign

#moba #zodiac #magic #staff #signs #gamedev #3Dart