Deltarune Pirate Version: Spampton The Original

4 months ago

Hi everyone, I came to inform you that I am a collaborator with “Deltarune: pirate version Spampton the Original”. Here's an art with Jovil in honor of this:3



Next up

Hello everyone, I know, I know I haven't posted for a month and I repent for it and as a sign of repentance I give you this wonderful art with Scampton and I promise to post more often (at least once a week LOL) :3

Hello everyone! Hey, is there anyone left...? Heee... well... I'm sorry I haven't been seen for so long, but I still plan to release posts back more often! So forgive me, here's your cute Neco

Eng: Working inventory and updated attack with mini Spamptons (btw CP is Collision Points)

Рус: Рабочий инвентарь и обновлённая атака с мини Спамптонами (кста, CP это Collision Points (Очки столкновения))

passage of time


Eng: Happy New Year!

Рус: С Новым Годом!

UTDR Logo Requests Final

Hi. Today will be my old art with Spamton GIGA

Hi everyone, here's another old art with Frisk in the style of Neco-arc and forgive me for my laziness ^,_,^

Eng: Oh no, Spampton is charging his gun!

Rus: О нет, Спамптон заряжает свою пушку!