Five Nights at Morilix07's
1 year ago

Hi guys Morilix isn't here right now so I am his new replacement. Here are some details on how the AI for the game will work

I have some bad news they weren't revealed :(

(UPDATE: Hi og Morilix07 here, I'll do a post later showcasing some doodles from the AI ideas I came up with. Not the ones that are too revealing. See ya sometime.)



Next up

Forgored to post the track I promised that one time lol. Sorry for the track taking this long to post.


I know your watching @MrFazbear93

Hey everyone following Daylen_ did you know your following a groomer/ pedophile and that Daylen_ spent those 6 months on the internet? Don't believe me? Check the article.

I drew this should I use it 4 da gaem?

I might be on da scratch watchlist...

Old version of FNaM's released! Enjoy!

Fun fact: Before the modern version of FNaM's was made me and @therealsayle made a build of FNaM's but I didn't liked it so we decided 2 start from Scratch. Today were going to release that old build :) (Disclaimer: This isn't the finished version)

I learned about sprite folders and there so awesome! :D