Angry Birds Famicom: アングリーバード
1 year ago

hi guys sorry for the 7 MONTH hiatus i have some news

old pc broke down but i was able to get the hard drive, so fortunately the dev files arent lost to time. what this means is that i might be able to start working on this soon, so stay tuned :)




Next up

terence says hi

we're going on a hiatus. read the img for more info


why do they be flabbergasted????

sneak peak at some background updates

potential album covers for the osts! i might refine these later on, but here's this just to give you an idea. on an unrelated note, thank you for 150 followers!

robot masters that i made for fun i guess idk

Statement of retiring.

Been working lately on lots of 'behind-the-scenes' boring stuff that no one really cares about, so here’s a guy playing the sax for some reason.
