So there have been lots of people wanting to see stuff of chapter 2. Sadly I lost the want to make it a long time ago, and lost all the files for it shortly after. Thankfully though I managed to scavenge some beta builds from CircusRama (thanks), and a lot of development images and video.
Downloads for these development builds and images are on the game page. (Everything is from late 2018 to early 2019)

At some point I'll get back into making FNaF fangames and content, but I'm definitely gonna wait until after Security Breach comes out, as I feel its gonna change a lot about how we perceive the series going forward, and it'll spark some new inspiration.
I don't have the best memory of everything I planned for chapter 2, and looking back it is cringey looking compared to what I can do nowadays. There are 2 builds included in this. One is of a late chapter 1 build that had some features moved to chapter 2, namely some characters that are in custom night. It definitely changes how you play that, but they were eventually scrapped for the new night system in chapter 2. There's also an arcade mini game included. WASD to shoot, arrow keys to aim, shift to run, and space to open up the shop. Pretty fun but incomplete.
The second build is fairly close to the final stuff I had worked on for chapter 2. Its at least 1 month behind whatever build I last had, but it seems the only difference are some missing transitions, dialogue, and such.
So the first thing is that you have to have beaten Chapter 1 to play this build. I had already planned that even in the early beta stages lol
On the title screen custom night is already unlocked. If I remember correctly the only characters I had programmed were Freddy and Bonnie, though I'm not sure if Bonnie was working in this build. I know you have to keep the flashlight on him, but I forgot how you're supposed to deal with Freddy. Pressing space forces Bonnie's jumpscare.
When hitting new game it'll give you a brief intro that recapped the events of chapter 1.
In the first room you'll need to figure out how to unlock the door, won't give that away here.
Once you enter the office-looking area, a cutscene would have played explaining that the key to the room that would shut down that section had been split up amongst the animatronics. This build sadly has that missing. Press space to skip to the next area, which was to the left door.
This dark hall would have been the area where you had an encounter in each room. This build doesn't have the clicking system, so press 1 for the Freddy room, and 2 for the BB room (The Freddy room is supposed to be first, so you're only supposed to enter the BB room once you completed that)
In the Freddy room there can be a bug that happens that won't let you hover over the cameras, reset to fix that.
To beat the room (spoiler) you must wait for Freddy to attack when in the side-rooms, and right click to zap him. Do it multiple times to defeat him. I'm too lazy to check, but there should be a cutscene where you get his key shard after zapping him 3 times.
In the BB room you're supposed to watch the show and look for the key shard hidden in it. Click on the key shard when you find it.
After the BB room is a night in Tour Guy's office. This would have happened every 2 room encounters.
Aaaaaaand thats all. Never finished Tour Guy's stuff, and only managed to work on a few other rooms and encounters before stopping development. I remember the last room would have you encounter a Freddy full of minireenas, who would have chased you to the shut down room, and you'd be locked up and forced to play a minigame (Which can be seen in the development videos). Lefty was also going to be a centerpiece of Chapter 2, playing into why everything was still alive. Lots of stuff planned but never finalized.
That's it. That's all I have on Chapter 2. Hope it was worth it lol, and thank you all for enjoying Hidden Gems. Hope you're excited to see what I've been doing with Rock-afire Replay, which was my original desire when making Hidden Gems, and hope you'll enjoy whatever other endeavors I make. Whether that be in FNaF fangames, TF2 cosmetics, or other stuff. Thanks!