4 months ago
HIRAM VS @BOXZEE pelea de crossover Hiram teletransportación a Game jolt @salon_the_squirrel
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Ahí esta @ablizorm lo que me pediste :3
Uff como me gusta esa serie de primal
Enemigos de criaturas me falta colorear 🖍️
Silent Glow - Unitas (OC)
Drawn on Krita, streamed the process on Discord for all 2 of my closest friends (but only one came)
Consider this the rare art drop of the month and my attempt at redemption after I drew this one: https://gamejolt.com/p/silent-contemplation-subject-unitas-oc-kr…
ropa de Hiram
making the character design for the main sensei of my manga :)
Enemigos criaturas reciente coloreados
Mañana lo termino