4 years ago

Hiring more musicians and spriters!

We need help to finish the demo! If you are qualified for either role below and want to help out, you can apply in our Discord server.

Apply for MUSICIAN:

There are 13 songs planned for the demo. Most of the work is finished, but there's still a few that aren't worked on, and some songs may need their instruments or tone changed.

Qualifications for MUSICIAN:

- A style that works for DELTARUNE, but new enough to sound original, too.

- You have to be polite about criticism! We're a team, after all!

- Your style not only needs to be fitting for the game, it also has to be fitting next to other themes! Preferably next to Students Studying, or Tough Morning.

Apply for SPRITER:

There's areas, tilesets, and character sprites that need to be finished. You will likely be given random things to work on.

Qualifications for SPRITER:

- An art style that is extremely good at mimicking DELTARUNE and just works well with the other sprites.

- You're okay if your work gets thrown out or drawn over.

Remember to show your best work! Thank you for reading!

Stay in the Light!

- NotSoMania



Next up

Progress Report - Birthday 2022

Continuing off from my last post, Ralsei would look like this if Toby kept the shadow design

Happy 3rd Anniversary, TFG!Deltaswap!

Progress Report - Halloween 2021 (DELTARUNE's 3rd Anniversary)

Progress Report - Christmas 2021

Progress Report - New Year's Eve 2022

this is the new deltarune meme please make it the new deltarune emme please

More of this Deltarune in Undertale's graphics shit…