2 days ago

Honestly, I don't understand why most of the creators (literally creators, not gj "Creators" thingy) don't use communities and realms.

Like, seriously, without using them and posting stuff like "anyone wanna help me with the game cause like i have 0 followers and 0 likes???????", no one would see your post.

Maybe, just maybe, there will be 1 or 2 likes, but obviously not more.

Nor you won't find team members for your game.

Newbies on Gamejolt mostly don't understand this, and just like, "Oh, communities! Probably a thing for creators to publish their creations so that other people will see it!", but don't use it themselves.

Either you are or are not popular, its better to use communities; unless you're super popular so you don't even need communities or realms to have lots of attention.

And even if you have 100 or 200 or 500 followers, your likes would be around 5-10-20, if you don't use the communities & realms.

Using the communities and realms, would increase the chance of people seeing your post, meaning more followers, likes, comments, and, of course, team members.

Thank you for reading this post, and I hope this would help you :3



Next up

This building in minecraft have been made not by me! Very cool, right?


New attack for Arten: Pistol.

By the way, Player's sprite in battle is going to be changed soon since it is not canon already.

VVV More in article VVV

MAY DEVLOG (𝓐 𝓱𝓾𝓰𝓮 𝓰𝓵𝓸𝔀 𝓾𝓹)

A bit edited sprite from last post!

she has a knife now

Trying making some random sprites again, xd


and why do you two post in the fifa 14 realm!?1/!??!1 i dont understand

We are yet still looking for people to help with this project!

If you are interested answer this form:


New header and thumbnail!! :D

Made by @splshy