4 months ago

honestly y'all should stop attacking brandin.

alright so

  1. One of my pals wants his group to attack brandin on 28th of November apparently... DON'T DO THAT. it's only gonna make things way worse, and it even can lead to an time out.

  2. I'm not trying to side with brandin. I'm writing this because SOME people won't stop going after him.

  3. Maybe yea, he is a transphobe, but that doesn't mean to tell him to fuck off, leave the site etc. cuz that's just making you as bad as him

  4. I hope y'all just stop. Please.

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Next up

y'all I think he subterfuge

okay now but the real question is why do I have two femboy friends this shit can't be real bro😭😭 and the image makes the situation way worse

I think I'm going to post more art stuff rather than posting joke posts and such. Anyways I have remade one of my goofy fellas + comparison. Idk what else to say sooo

a random suicide mouse render i made

inmbis or smth idk (charcter by null_y34r uhhhh I would link their yt channel but it got deleted soooo yeah.)

I will miss you

"there's new gj ui" bish I don't see no ui difference

I love being innactive so, SO much.

I’m probably just bored lmao