jolly 1986 Chapter 1
2 months ago


I've been preparing some things for the menu and they look very good


I've already thought about it well, and jolly 1986 will be 2 chapters, 6 nights per game but there will be secrets well done, and hidden, that's why I tell you that the page for jolly 1986 chapter 2 is already created, but it will not be revealed to the public, everyone who reaches the end well, will be rewarded with the page for chapter 2, which I will show more things than here


The soundtracks will be from different games (with the creator's permission to use them or not) like buckshot roulette, in case they don't accept it, we would have to look for other soundtracks


The progress of chapter 1 is slow, but it's going towards something decent and it doesn't look mediocre anymore, apart from the fact that the office is almost created (one room is missing and everything would be ready to start being used at 100%), and although I have only worked on floor 1 and floor 4, it's good progress, apart from that, the new PC is also a bit slow, so be patient, most likely the game won't even end up being released by this date, but at the end of 2024 (chapter 2 will be easy to do, because we're only on 1 floor)
He estado preparando algunas cosas para el menú y se ven muy buenas


ya lo he pensado bien,y jolly 1986 sera 2 capitulos,6 noches por juego pero habra secretos bien echos,y ocultos,por eso,les digo que la pagina de jolly 1986 chapter 2 ya esta creada,pero no se revelara al publico,todo aquel que llegue al final bueno,se le sera recompensado con la pagina del capitulo 2,el cual mostrare mas cosas que aqui


las bandas sonoras seran de diferentes juegos (con el permiso del creador si usarlos o no) como buckshot roulette,en caso que no acepten habria que buscar otras bandas sonoras


el avanze del capitulo 1 es lento,pero va por algo decente y ya no se ve mediocre,aparte que ya casi la oficina esta creada (falta una salas y quedaria todo listo para empezar a usarse al 100%),y aunque no he trabajado mas que en floor 1 y floor 4,es buen progreso,aparte,la nueva pc igual es un poco lenta,haci que paciencia,lo mas probable es que ni siquera termine sacando el juego por esta fecha,si no que a finales de 2024 (el chapter 2 sera facil hacerlo,por que estamos en solo 1 floor)




Next up

something is comming...

It's official, it's already ending, the first teaser trailer, there will be a lot of difference with other teaser trailers, but it's the first one I've made 1/1/2024 00:00

chile time

Something needs to be clarified, and that is that it probably won't leave for some countries at the same time, I'll use Mexico as an example, in Chile it's 3 hours later for them, well, just that needs to be clarified.

Doraemon Animatronic


floor 2:blueprints area

Devlog (September 2024): What the game is coming to.

here is the level is normal

maybe it is not fnaf but it is a code for a page that does have to do with fnaf fangame

here goes the 2nd and the image if it has to do with a fnaf fangame that I will leave it for 2024

If you're good at math, try to solve it without the calculator.

okay, I'll say something, finally I'll pass the profile of jolly phase 2 from 2D to 3D, here I dye springtrap details