2 days ago

Horny bastards fine I'll wear the sun dress



Next up

Oh hello madam how are you do this evening

What do you think Fox is doing with his old art book?

Finally Gay month is almost over fuck you faaaaaguckin annoying gay people finally I can be a victim of a hate crime again XD

Finished Hectors ref sheet for ArtFight β€ΌοΈπŸ™ Still gotta rewrite his information... 😭THE SERVERS ARE DOWWNNNAJWJ SOBS

This has happened to me before.../j

Finished my first attack and I'm already tired πŸ˜­πŸ™

Artfight still won't load for me.. I'll post this attack later

You asked for this awhile ago and I finally put it together hope you enjoy the link is in the article

Thigh highs from hot topic are so comfy

Join this fellow Art Fighters