Hostile Mars

3 years ago

Hostile Mars Development Update: New Models! Command Center, Refinery, Drill, Power Distributor, and more. New Features Implemented: Salvageable Items, Tech Lab Bench, ECS Sound!

Development Update Highlights: New Models! Command Center, Refinery, Drill, Power Distributor, and more. New Features Implemented: Salvageable Items, Tech Lab Bench, ECS Sound!


For the last few weeks a number of assets have been created and/or revised to be bigger and more detailed. Here are just a few:
Command Center:

3D Printer

Manufacturing for a variety of parts and pieces.

Mining Drill

Collect that ore!

Storage Silo

Power Distributor

What did I tell you, no more hanging wires!

I've been super focused the past week and have made great progress on the coding side of things! I've implementing the following features:

- Material Processor Controller

- New sound effects engine using ECS

- Finalized first 6 Base Upgrade Tiers

- Salvageable Item Pickups

- Enemy Drops: Scraps and Energy Cell

- Revised Enemy Spawn Controller

- Revised Tech Lab Bench UI and Controller

I've fixed a few bugs as well:

- Fixed Slide Animation Glitch

- Fixed Enemy Projectile Impact bug

New Inventory Items Implemented:

- Steel Plate

- Carbon Steel Pipe

- Aluminum Wire

- Scrap Metal

- Salvaged Wires

The enemy models just started getting touch ups as well. Next week I can show the progress that has been made with the meshes and the new Hoverbot Gun designs.

Back To Development!




Next up

Hostile Mars Devlog #02 - Parted Enemies, Force Traps, and other New Models!

A quick clip showing off the automation robots at work!

More Info (Steam Page)

Short clip of the automation bots delivering packages in Hostile Mars

Hostile Mars Devlog Update 03: Plants! (Lichens and Bryophytes), Laser Traps, New Robot Textures, and Data-Oriented Design: IK

Devlog #05: The Craft Bench, Submitting to the Unfold Games, Playtesting, and Bomb Traps, Human Rail Cannon!

Hostile Mars Steam Development Update #06: Energy Shields, New Spawn Mechanics, The Harvester Building, And Playtesting Preparation!

Heya! I wanted to show some gameplay progress i made so far. I hope you like it ^^

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