2 years ago

House Warming (HFA version) I Hope you like it!

The episode starts off with a yellow deer named Daisy watching Buildy, an blue construction mongoose with ironically no hands, build something for her. After he finishes building the present, it is revealed to be a brand new tree house just for her. Daisy happily hugs Buildy in gratitude and bids him farewell before going to play in her tree house. Happy and content, Buildy turns around to leave, but at that exact moment, the tree house catches on fire, grabbing his attention and making him scream in sheer horror.

Daisy, inside the burning tree house, screams for help. Buildy tells Daisy to jump out, and he will catch her. She does so, but due to Buildy's lack of hands, he fails to catch Daisy, who is now on fire. Buildy has to act quickly to save her, and sees a fire hydrant nearby. He attempts to use it, but realizing he has no hands, he scowls at the camera.

Buildy looks back and notices a bucket nearby that seemingly has water in it. He runs up to the bucket and gives it a hard kick. Unfortunately, this causes the fire to worsen, causing Daisy to scream even louder. A blackened Buildy realizes that he just kicked over a bucket of petroleum.

With Daisy still burning to death and Buildy out of ideas, the latter resorts to one last tactic: stomping the fire out. Buildy, with his big worker boots, begins to stomp on Daisy, furthering her injuries, but at least putting the fire out. Dais, now a blackened and bloody mush, weakly raises her arm and gives an "Okay" signal while giggling weakly.



Next up

#Goretober day 5:Shot

//TW:Bl00d shots//

Yes that's Badagadis 💀

Yes an W. I. P for an upcoming AU

//TW:Cuts Bl00d///

#Goretober day 2:Slit throat

Also that's Paulo Ribeiro my mascot oc of the expo 2035 un Sao Paulo Brazil (Fake Sorry)

[Happy Tree Friends OC]

G is for ggcreeper08.

Papus aquí les dejo un speedpaint mal hecho de mi au xd con un audio random que me encontré :v

No se que hice xd

2023 || 2024

//TW:Pink bl00d guts//

#Goretober day 1 (Late sorry) :Disemboweled

Also that's Han Mugbeo is my mascot oc she is an 20 years old flower who is the mascot of the universiade in somewhere in south korea

//TW:Starvation bl00d(?) //

#Goretober day 3:Starved

Also that's Streamingston or Streami an 14 years old red billed strramertail bird with one wing and the mascot of the commonwealth games Kingston 20xx