Bad language
Violence and Blood
And consumption of alcohol and drugs (obviously in characters of legal age)
Also there's a long way to go for the series to become a reality
Episode list
-La Luna está cayendo hacia nosotros (The moon is falling into us)
-Iorana Nutara
-¿Quien diablos es El Plumifero? (Who the hell is El Plumifero?)
-Buen día mami y papi (Good morning mommy and daddy)
-Sociedad cochina y asquerosa (Dirty and disgusting society)
-Concé:Tutor de Mat y Roshka (Concé: Mat and Roshka's tutor)
-La borrachera x-trema de Kolnadler (Kolnadler's x-treme drunkenness
-No soy una señorita (I'm not a lady)
-Camayeh el fanático religioso (Camayeh the religious fanatic)
-Ve por ella, Lico! (Go for her, Lico!)
-Hechizos y poderes (Spells and power)
-Viejos (de cariño) (Old people (lovingly)
-Ay no, no están muertos (Oh no, they're not dead!)