Yondy(the yellow one) Will come to the cam 1 (left) hide to right if he is coming but dont go to left if he is in cam 1
Bluf(the blue one) Will come to the cam 2 (right) hide to left if he is coming but dont go to right if he is in cam 2
Dielc will start in cam 5 to cam 9-2 and 1. watch him in cams and dont go to left/right if he is in there
s-endo will be in your back.close the door if he is in there.
skephen will be in 8/7 and he will move and when he is gone, hide to left if he came from cam 7 and hide right if he came from cam 8
snowman virus will be in the 3/4/5 when alarm starts,find him and press space