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Mordım DLC is a project that I started to look at in 2013 then get canceled.

The game is going to have 4 episodes.

The game uses Unity HDRP.

There will be things such as:

  • 4 episodes (like in terms of themes,not like levels)

  • survival-horror gameplay

  • firstperson shooter

  • subtitles (aka no voice acting)

  • Official soundtrack

If it all goes well,there will be more than 6 games that actully connected together

#horror #other #dlc #mordim #survivalhorror #fps #unity #firstpersonshooter


Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed

About the SCHrana engine.

Here I am giving a lot of information to you so read this post carefully!

Well...happy past Halloween you all

I just remembered that I drew the prototype minions' desing a while ago,and decided to use them as "happy Halloween!" content,not much but honest work for being in the university exam year.

Have a great day,


Fun fact:

The desing of the snowman form of diek had been inspired by a scene from one of my dreams(just like the desing of the thing)

(I dont fully remember the human one so it probaply had some differences in there)

Have a great day,


Why is this gamepage so goddamn dead?

(read the article)