22 hours ago

Howdy all hope everyone is havin a good day!



Next up

I love my Guinea Pigs lol finally i can get Snuffle runnin around

I literally have so many Plushies of the OG fnaf stuff but tbh i kinda want more cause idk if this is weird but having plushies when i sleep alone comforts me

(I really want security breach plushies ngl cause i love SB)

I’m Getting my own dog soon yay

Her name is Chili she is my uncle’s but his wife is a jerk and blames chili for things she doesn’t do (its actually another dog they have named honey which is a rude son of a gun)


I hope everyone had a great Christmas i know i did enjoying time with Family Sadly tho there were some dark moments as i lost my Guinea Pig Kiera i have her ashes on my desk and we lost one of the hamsters we had Grace but we are doing ok now

Rat Race Production Update

Meet my 3 Guinea Pigs i love them all (keep in mind these are all some old pics from within a few months) the All brown is Kiera, the White & Brown is Lucille then finally is the Black, White, & Brown cotton ball named Snuffle

Bout to go out with family ik i look like crap but might as well face reveal since i showed some of my face with the picture before Kiera’s passing (yes ik i suck with selfies lol)

Also cause why not gonna wear the Fnaf Security Badge i got for Christmas

My Art Summary 2023, what's your favorite part of this year?

Say hello to my rabbit Oreo she likes to lounge she also is very spoiled lol