2 months ago


Another pfp comin' out of the oven and wishin' y'all a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

May you've a wonderful New Year's Even and may everything you wish for last year come true this year, partners!!

Now I can be your favorite farmer again, lol

Mah bad , pal ... I couldn't resist makin' that joke, fr

I've read all the positive messages you've all sent me and seen how incredible you are! You'll always be with me no matter what!

I'm sorry for worryin' y'all, I just wanted to make a New Year's joke, that's all... I know it sounded very serious. But I wouldn't give up on GJ that quickly.

Life as a mother isn't easy, but it's ain't impossible either!

Please don't be mad at me , I'm ain't a very serious person!

Let me make it clear that I care 'bout all of you!

I love y'all and stay in peace! 'Till next time, partner

And yep.... I'll NEVER TAKE OFF MY HAT! And no one will take it away



Next up

Take this NEW PACK fresh out of the oven!!!

When ya have problems to leavin' the old program for the new one.... Yep! That's me!

WHAT A THING! Why I'm sooo afraid of usin' a program like Photoshop.... I've never understood that... Maybe it's the number of tools in it.

I'm not a big fan of #GJAsks but....

So... A favorite hero? Hmmmmmm.... What do ya think of "this guy"? Not a normal guy... A DOOM GUY! Yep.... He's my BIG HERO! I wish I could go around punchin' some demons like him....

me n @NOTDAWIID matching art Death note reference - more in article


I'm already cookin' up some ideas for the stickers and soon they'll be ready to use in March!!

[Some sneak peaks as a taste !! ]

See ya! Partners!


A sketch of a very big milestone on this wonderful site!

I know February is Soul month, but this doodle its for someone very special here.

Can ya guess who it is???

Julie's Pack is NOW AVAILABLE!

Get 'em all before the month is OUT!

Howdy Pals!

I'm here makin' a new drawing for ya and with a lore of my universe!

Lemme explain a lil' 'bout what happened to me this week

Solving problems with violence is not an option....until you're Skaza

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GY!!! *Soul and Julie shout*

Then our old lady here turns 300!! How is this fossil still going strong like this!

I'm sure this cowgirl was riding dinos long before my dad!

Who is already an old man like her.