Battle For Gaming Island Season 1 & 2
2 years ago

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Ruslan got banned because of the weird stuff he was doing. Although, I feel guilty for calling him a groomer.

Responding to a shitty human being on Twitter. The same dumbass that cried on video over a Knuckles series. I watched a sneak peak on Twitter. Like dude it's not that deep you slow ass sonic stan. 🤦

attention span at it's finest

The Witching Well

(Happy Halloween!)

mr game and watch but im only using a paint tool

i'll draw something else eventually, guys...

And just like "Zaul the Racist", the SonicTuber crying reaction video I made got 100 views in less than a week! Keep in mind, that I'm taling about the bad side of the Sonic fanbase, and no one else.

idk, I just like making fun of sonictubers.

#Joltober2023 #zombie

My pal #Frye is supposed to be team skeletons. But they look so good together n who would deny a photo to #Deadf1sh ? Is like taking a photo with Avicii bro.