Simple Sonic World Curse
4 years ago hey guys i recommend you guys to look into this .exe game it has massive potential and its rather interesting

This game was made by @redplushfan789



Next up

Simple Sonic World Curse is Getting A Remake this includes improvement of levels, more atmosphere and better sprite 'w'

Concept Poster

These guys have the same voice actor, one a Panda avenging his father that's been murdered by a warlord, the other voiced one of the most Darkest SMG4 villain up to date

The script for this crossover is in the works with the help of @PicoDigitalStudios ! With that being said, currently in need of voice actors!

Havent started development yet but i have made some sprites just a reminder this is gonna be a hell of a game might post some gameplay footage soon

So I have a few things to say...

1. The Game is not dead.

2. My parents are gonna fix the old computer so I'll do development there (don't worry I won't redo the entire game)

3. Yes, I do sprite work on my phone, now have this abomination

:3 hope u liek it

I finally made my own Gacha Life OC! Loved how it turned out. :3

S M I L E . . .

before you guys say something NO im not being lazy this is all intentional this creepypasta game is based of the ORIGINAL engine of the game so no im not being lazy

the next level of the game will be different