1 year ago


Check out this SSSWWAGG game made by the bluest wizard around: @SomeRandomWizard

SomeRandomWizard's Ultimate FNaF Experience is the PEAK of PEAK

Please click the phishing link above to follow his game



Next up

v.1.3.0 is out, now with even MORE bugfixes

I apologise to my Mac and Linux user demographic, I didn't have the time to package the game for your platforms, so you will have to wait a bit longer for the new release. Sorry

eating chicken

Do it

Dance animation that I made for @SomeRandomWizard 's birthday today.

Follow him, and his upcoming FNAF fangame. https://gamejolt.com/games/SomeRandomWizards-Ultimate-Fnaf-Exper…

A post ago I sent a video (https://gamejolt.com/p/nothing-gameplay-related-but-a-sneak-peek…) of a promotional trailer leak.

ONaC is gonna be on down time because of a bug where some trophies aren't received because of an irregularity in the code, so I'll release a new patch for all platforms soon. Thank you all for supporting

Have you ever wanted to live in a huge mansion with around 50+ rooms all for yourself, with a pool, a 6 star restaurant, a nearby mall with over 100 stores and a statue of the best hero in the entire world?


Why did @gamejolt actually like this as if I weren't being satirical

Starting to think the lads who run this account arent actually lads and just a pfp with code behind it

Unrelated to this game, but @SomeRandomWizard 's doing a QNA.. thing (with me and @MarioYoshi7 included.) If you'd like hit us a question, and it might feature. You can ask us questions about pretty much anything https://gamejolt.com/p/a-post-ago-i-sent-a-video-https-gamejolt-…

It is the birthday of the boxer in my banner

Tell me his name first and ill vandalize your answer with a dark grey box saying "Pinned" on it

Failing to get it right will have me defecate in your replies saying GET OUT......................................