1-she use to be my "best friend" (now that i think of she really wasn't my best freind at all)
2-she told me early this year that i was arrogant and childish and annoying despite not seeing me in 1 fucking year
3-she is still "angry" at me like every fucking group that im added in or im in she will either kick me or she leaves (but im the one who should be angry at her because reason 2)
4-when i was think back about the memories i had with her i noticed that she was always insulting me and when ever i drew something she would say "what is that?","that looks ugly","ew" it was never a compliment
5-when i was sad or when i feel like i am at my lowest point she didn't care she would just hangout with her other friends
(If i met her irl again be ready to hold me back cause i will fucking beat her ass)