Wolfy's Hotel 2

2 years ago



Next up

Old scrapped/unused/removed teasers of Wolfy's Hotel 2.

This halloween.

Wolfy's Hotel 2 Update will be released.

(Read article [Long])

Congratulations! You have been chosen as one of the few to receive this two week party ticket to our newest Wolfy's Hotel location in Washington state!

Teaser 21 | Teaser 8 remake

Teaser 19 (Teaser 6 remake)

Teaser 17 (Teaser 4 remake)

The end of 2023.

Wolfy's Hotel 2 Version 1.5


Any bugs, tell me in the comments or in the Discord server, or so on.

I will be talking with my friends while playing trough voice chat when we get in.

Teaser 20 | Teaser 7 remake

Feeling quite Christmassy, quite nice.

Been a bit inactive here, got nothing else much to report chief. Doing well and happy.