Master of War: Rule of Power
7 years ago




Next up

The demo is available and you can play 1st level now, soon I am going to update so 2nd level will be too!

Finally added elves to my shooter game on Wild West, now when I add the last opponent type, I can polish my game.

1.0.0 IS HERE!

​The new version of the demo is also available! And the list of the changelog is in game folder.

Now for the nearest month, I will try to update this every Thursday adding some new stuff that was mentioned some time ago and improving AI.

A small update is available 1.0.1 and added last act 5.

Also is the last day to get this game on -30% sale!

The "magic update" is not ready yet, maybe next week, but what you can see: sorcerer is a starting bonus, is immune to normal damage and spells cost a lot of food.

Also, be prepared to meet supernatural beings!

New version 1.0.3 is available where improved economic stuff of AI.

Here are some examples of how the AI base now looks like

The magic update for my game is almost here!

A sorcerer cannot be targeted or harmed in a usual way, but be prepared for supernatural entities!

Still working on better AI, but in the background, I have improved one biome in the game and am almost done with the new logo and capsule art for the game page.

Also, some people are interested in the city-builder module tot he game.

Demo V 0.2.0 is available!

Sorry for a long time of silence.

Now I will try to make a regular update.

The new version of the demo 0.3.0 is available, added AI for animals and for now there are only gorillas.

Now I'm going to add a random modifier, which means weather!